Life Tribute: Mary Diann Coate


Diann Coat

It is with sadness we acknowledge the passing Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2023, of Diann Coate of Idyllwild. 

Diann was born March 4, 1937 to Raymond and Ruth Coate. She was predeceased by her parents and her sister, Marion Stamm, but leaves a beloved niece, Laura Alcala of Hawaii; two beloved nephews, Patrick Stamm of Virginia and Michael Stamm of Florida; and many dear friends.

  Diann was a longtime resident of Idyllwild having lived there for 48 years. She moved there in 1974 after a friend had brought her to visit. It was love at first sight.

She quickly became an active member of the community initially joining what was then the Izaak Walton League, and then joining the Nature Center. 

Diann also served on many boards and organizations including the Mountain Community Patrol, Idyllwild Area Historical Society and Idyllwild Community Fund. She volunteered as a docent for the annual Home Tour and was an active member of Idyllwild Chapter of PEO. 

She was a graduate of the University of Nevada, Reno, with a bachelor’s degree in English and went on in later years to earn a certificate in Library Science and taught in the Moreno Valley Unified School District for over 30 years. 

With her love of nature, Diann enjoyed hiking, birding and being outdoors but most importantly, she treasured the many dear friends she met on life’s journey. The time for a memorial service has not yet been set.

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