Holiday reunion for the look-alikes

Laguna Beach had the Greeter. Idyllwild had, at least for a number of years, the Idyllwild Look-alikes, Gary Glasheen and Bill Guy. The two, who many assumed are twins, are not even related. They just look alike.

Laguna Beach had the Greeter. Idyllwild had, at least for a number of years, the Idyllwild Look-alikes, Gary Glasheen and Bill Guy. The two, who many assumed are twins, are not even related. They just look alike.

They do share some other traits though. They moved here about the same time — Gary in 2001 and Bill in 2002. They are both from the East Coast — Gary from New York and Bill from Virginia. Both are left-handed, middle sons and each has three sons. Both are service veterans and both served in Idyllwild’s Rotary Club.

For years the smiling duo could be found giving out Christmas candy canes and Valentine’s Day candy kisses at the post office. On St. Patrick’s Day, they graced the Town Crier pages encouraging readers to “Believe in Irish Magic all year long” (spoiler — Glasheen is actually Irish). Even though Guy moved from the Hill this year, the duo are reuniting for one more Christmas at the post office from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 21.

Reunited again for a Merry Christmas 2012, the Idyllwild twins, Gary Glasheen and Bill Guy.

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