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News of Record: October 15, 2020
Idyllwild FireIdyllwild Fire Protection District recently responded to the following calls.• Oct. 5 — Walk-in public service, 9 a.m.• Oct. 5 — Medical aid, 10:52 a.m. Lake Ln.• Oct. 5 — Medical aid, 12:23 p.m. Palomar Rd.• Oct. 5 — Forest, woods or wildland fire, 4:25 p.m. Gilman Springs Rd.• Oct. 5 — Medical aid,…
Robbery and assault mar local holiday
Two serious criminal incidents marred Idyllwild’s Christmas holiday. On Friday, Dec. 22, around 5:45 p.m, Hemet Station sheriff’s deputies responded to the Idyllwild Chevron Station. Two older men, Robert Child, 68, and Rick Holmes, 67, both of Idyllwild, sustained facial and head injuries when a man attacked them. Child had been fueling his vehicle when…
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Idyllwild School’s Cross-country team and coaches pose before Wednesday’s practice. Kneeling (front row, from left) are Emilio Wettlaufer, Litzy Pimental, Ty Bride, Allyah Bride, Vinney Parillo and Aaron Potter. Standing (second row, from left) are Henry Mendoza, McKenzie Nunez, Leslie Pimental, Tobey Posey, Brooke Arnson and Emmi Norris. (Back row, from left) are Coach…
Career week at Town Hall
Susan Righetti, from the Idyllwild Library, describes the duties of a librarian Tuesday to the children at Town Hall, during “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Week (spring break from school).
Idyllwild Water GM refuses to let board member put item on agenda: Says board majority must approve discussion first
Idyllwild Water District General Manager Tom Lynch says an individual director has no right to request an item be placed on the agenda. This was in response to Director Steve Kunkle’s request to place the director’s compensation on the IWD agenda for last week. “A board member has no power to set the future agenda…