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Readers Write: Suggestions for new parking structure …


Regarding the article on the new parking lot in the Jan. 21 edition of the Town Crier, I applaud Mr. Stewart and his efforts to reduce the parking problems of Idyllwild.  I think the way he has proposed to construct the lot, with minimal impact on existing businesses and buildings, speaks highly of his forward thinking and commitment to the community.

The only suggestion I would have to Mr. Stewart is to seriously consider adding several electric-car charging stations to the design. As I wrote in an earlier letter, I think this would further extend an Idyllwild welcome to our visitors who have committed to lessening our dependence on foreign oil.

I also would suggest covering the parking area with solar panels, to truly make the use of electric cars as fossil-fuel-free as possible. I think these additions to the parking lot design would demonstrate even more Mr. Stewart’s commitment not only to the community but to the future.

John Laundré


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