New Mountain Disaster Preparedness board elected

The new Mountain Disaster Preparedness (MDP) Board of Directors was elected on Wednesday, Nov. 9 at the Creekstone Inn. The new board, from left, are Veronica Alt, president; Dr. Dick Goldberg, medical director; Dorian Paul, communications director; Sherry Edwards, secretary; Mike Feyder, vice president; Bob Edwards, treasurer; and David Alt, Disaster Aid Station director. Photo by Cid Castillo

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One Comment

  1. Let's talk about before and after a disaster, perhaps share your opinion. Here's mine: crucial information and rights are essential. Someday the new face of insurance or government may see to it the insuring public is genuinely prepared and informed. Until then you, the policyholder, need not only be prepared for disaster, you need to be prepared for the aftermath when you are most vulnerable and bullies take advantage. After all, it is the effect from disaster that preparedness allows you to better handle.

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