Members, send Becky your email address
By Jack Clark
Just a reminder that if you are a Town Crier Member, you’re not limited to the print-on-paper version, you also have access to the TC’s online versions, which are real, complete newspapers you can read on computer monitor, laptop, tablet or cellphone. But we must know your email address so you can be included in the weekly Tuesday evening notification that the Town Crier is ready to read online with just a click. (That’s Wednesday evenings, when there is a TC holiday on Monday, like this coming week.)
So, if you want to try reading the complete Town Crier PDF or other versions of the TC online — a day earlier than the ink-on-paper version reaches your mailbox — please email Becky at [email protected]. She’ll enter your email address as an online Member and you’ll get your weekly emailed notice that the TC is ready for viewing.
You’ll continue to get your paper copy in the mail, too, if you wish, but the more Members who opt for the Town Crier newspaper online only, the more the TC will save in operating expenses (printing, postage, etc.) and the healthier our paper will be into the future. If all our Members switched to reading the TC online, it would save our paper an estimated $65,000 in costs annually.
My favorite online TC version is the PDF, which looks and reads exactly like the paper version, except I just scroll down on my laptop or cellphone to change pages — that’s even easier than turning paper pages. (Click the (+) feature repeatedly to enlarge print with a sharp image — rather than spreading two fingers to enlarge your screen, which is not as sharp.)
So, just email Becky at [email protected] and she’ll use your email address to set you up. After that, you’ll get an email notification every Tuesday evening that your Town Crier is ready to view. (Wednesday evening, if Monday was a TC holiday.) So, you’ll be getting your TC a day early.
We sincerely appreciate you all.