Author: Town Crier Contributor

Reading to our children matters

Reading to our children matters

By Flavia Mangan ColganContributing Correspondent Whether a child is drawn to tales of medieval wizards or stories about the simple lives of everyday children or animals — Storytime encapsulates the way books can channel the young imagination into intellectual growth. Most of us are familiar with the experience of watching a child’s curiosity expand with…

Oktoberfest in Idyllwild, 2024

By Gisela M. Stearns Oktoberfest is really celebrated in Germany in a big way. People have a good time eating Bratwursts, drinking beer, singing, and dancing.The ladies wear “Dirndls” and the men wear “Lederhosen.” All very festive and happy.I was curious about what and how Idyllwild would celebrate Oktoberfest. My version: The band played and…

Hill and Donna Champion survive Hurricane Helena

Hill and Donna Champion survive Hurricane Helena

By Holly ParsonsCorrespondent Until a few years ago, legendary Idyllwild resident Hill Champion spent 42 joyous years creatively enjoying his world as wildly eclectic, and uniquely fascinating. Ripened by life, unexpectedly – and to his great surprise one vivid day unlocked the beginning of a whole new chapter. In 2019 free spirited Donna Weaver blew…

Corporate influence on housing market squeezes homebuyers

By Flavia Mangan ColganContributor Flavia Mangan Colgan is a former political commentator and newscorrespondent who works as a writer and in the nonprofit sector. Shelives in Idyllwild and San Diego. Corporate influence on the single-family home market is growing at adisturbing rate and is a nefarious problem that deserves more scrutiny.Institutional investors have advantages over…