
Readers Write: Aug. 5, 2021
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Readers Write: Aug. 5, 2021

Response to Gisela Stearns’ letter Dear editor:I thank Ms. Stearns for exercising her American right to speak her opinion and I thank the Idyllwild Town Crier for serving as a platform for such discourse. I am writing to respectfully disagree with Ms. Stearns’ July 22 letter and provide scholarly background in hopes of lending her…

Readers Write: July 29, 2021
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Readers Write: July 29, 2021

Everyone deserves to be heard Dear editor:Consensus is not science. Science doesn’t insist on everyone agreeing. Science relies on the scientific method in the pursuit and application of knowledge. Science is never finished.It looks to me that adherence to party has become more of a lock-step situation — for the left as well as the…