
Creature Corner: Oct. 20, 2011

Creature Corner: Oct. 20, 2011

Found: Almost all black male cat near Fireside Inn in Idyllwild. Blue collar. Please call ARF at (951) 659-1122 to identify. Abandoned on the ARF front porch in a cardboard box, alone and afraid, was a beautiful female Maine coon tabby mix we are calling Sweet Pea. A soft mixture of gray, black and white, she will be available soon for adoption. A reminder: It is against the law to abandon your animals. Without a medical record, we have no record of prior vaccinations and rabies shots, which could result in over inoculation.

Past Tense: Oct. 20, 2011

60 years ago – 1951 Native Americans from the valley were gathering acorns in Strawberry Valley, where the crop was tremendous. 55 years ago – 1956 Hill Republicans and Independent voters turned out 134 strong to the Dwight Eisenhower birthday party at the Hillbilly Lodge. Featured speaker was Loyd Wright, Sr., Speaker of the House…

Past Tense: Oct. 13, 2011

Past Tense: Oct. 13, 2011

55 years ago – 1956 Of the 651 registered voters from Pine Cove to Anza, 384 were Republican, 225 were Democrats, and 42 declined to state their party affiliation. 50 years ago – 1961 Bonnar Blong, local game manager, reported the extreme drought had caused a drastic drop in the number of coyotes, bobcats and…

Creature Corner: Oct. 6, 2011

Creature Corner: Oct. 6, 2011

Come on over to ARF to celebrate because October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month. Our dogs and cats will be wagging tails and purring tunes all month to help you find the perfect pet. For every dog adoption, we will include dog treats and a CD from Cesar Millan, the renowned dog whisperer, with tips for adding a new pet to your pack. With every cat adoption, we will include a “get started” package that includes cat toys, litter and cat food. Always included, of course, is the forever love you receive from your 4-legged companion.

Past Tense: Oct. 6, 2011

Past Tense: Oct. 6, 2011

60 years ago – 1951 With only a couple of deer season weeks left, just 94 bucks had been shot locally, compared to 193 in the previous year and 365 bagged 20 years earlier. 55 years ago – 1956 The Riverside County Board of Supervisors denied two liquor license applications from Idyllwild businessmen who sought…