Author: Norm Walker

Chief’s Corner: The chief is out …

Editor’s note: In his August column, Chief Walker wrote about his first-hand observations of the Wallow Fire, which occurred in Arizona during May through July. Unfortunately, the chief could not prepare a September column because his Interagency Management Team was summoned to the Umpqua Complex Fire in Oregon. At 680 acres, the Umpqua Complex includes…

Chief’s Corner: Lessons learned from a large fire …

Everyone has followed the struggle in Congress about the budget ceiling, the national budget and the national debt. The California state government is a smaller version of the federal government, counties and cities are smaller and special districts are smaller yet. However, all of these levels of government are struggling with the same fiscal problem….


Winter fire safety and emergency advice

For those of us in the fire suppression business, winter presents a paradox. Once the rain and snow come we, and the citizens of our mountain, relax our hyper vigilance for wildland fire. Statistically however, the biggest threat to life and property in our mountain communities has been cold temperatures, ice and snow. We’ve never…