High School

Sports: High School, Middle School, Town Hall and more
Town Hall Soccer Richard Mozeleski filed this report on local soccer action at Town Hall: This is the last week of youth soccer on the Hill. By Thursday we will have a champion in the ages 6-8 and 9-11 divisions. The teens and adults will meander into November as daylight and personal schedules…

Sports: Town Hall Adult Coed Softball, High School Football
Adult Coed Softball Town Hall Sports Coordinator Richard Mozeleski gave this report on the final week of play: Final Standings Team Name, Wins, Losses Pacific Slope, 14, 0 Ajax, 11, 3 Creekstone, 10, 4 Forest Lumber, 9, 5 Team Perez, 5, 9 Idyllwild Arts, 4, 10 Ridgeline, 3, 11 Higher Grounds, 0, 14 …