Four burglars attempt Fairway break in

Four men wearing hooded sweatshirts and cloths over their faces case the front door of Fairway before attempting to break into the side of the building. Surveillance image courtesy Fairway Market

Four burglars, hooded, two carrying axes, attempted to break in to the Fairway Market early Tuesday morning, Nov. 6. Although they did not succeed in forcing entry, according to Fairway manager Diana Johnson, this attempt is similar to the Shell station burglary on Thursday morning, Oct. 29.

This also took place at about the same time, 4:10 a.m. according to surveillance camera tracking, and also had similarly masked criminals.

Riverside County Sheriff’s Department deputies came to the scene, took a report and are currently reviewing surveillance footage.

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  1. America's Dumbest Criminals – NEWS at 10.

    Now we know the height from the lines on the wall.

    Of course these guys have been inside the store before pretending to shop while casing the interior, looking for the safe or ATM.

    1) go through the video of the previous week
    2) compare height and body posture
    3) cross reference with that with SUV from the liquor store ATM robbery

  2. The dude in the front must be the "smart" organizer alpha guy of the group.

    The last guy (white shirt/ black hood) freezing in the back, he's the prison puto that was recruited last to carry stuff or be the look-out crow. he's the dumbest of the bunch, because he is freezing (hands in pockets) under-estimating the night time temp on the hill, pointing to a low-lander used to 80F.

  3. and that freezing guy in the back, not very smart either, didn't understand the instructions "wear all black"

    a dirty white shirt & black t-shirt covering the head = FAIL.

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