As part of continuing efforts to maintain local trails, the U.S. Forest Service and its partner, the Forest Service Volunteer Association, have enlisted some young but enthusiastic volunteers.
On May 3, Boy Scout Troop 6006 and Adventure Crew Scout Troop 6006 from Hemet took part in rebuilding the Pacific Crest Trail north from Highway 74 to the Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument. The 10 boys from the Boy Scout troop and seven boys and girls from Adventure Crew 6006 ranged from fifth to 11th grade. American Legion Post 53 in Hemet sponsored the Scout groups.
Andy Smith, Forest Service resource specialist, and Rick Wilkerson and Craig Savage, from the FSVA, guided the crews in proper trail-work techniques. The enthusiastic kids worked on the path with pick axes, rakes and shovels in the morning hours and after lunch hit the trail for a fun interpretive hike on the PCT.
To help the FSVA with its mission to steward the local wilderness, visit From volunteer wilderness ranger to trail crew, or even just office help, there’s something for everyone.