SPORTS: Youth Baseball …
Town Hall Sports Coordinator Richard Moseleski reports on the games:
In the Minors action last week, the Idyllwild Pizza Co. Braves came back to win in the last inning down 1-2 to the Idyllwild Property Management Creepers, with a grand-slam home run from Dominic Esparza to win it.
T-ballers play this week Tuesday and Thursday at both 5 and 6 o‘clock with Minors playing Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 p.m.
Minors standings W L
Bake & Brew Bacons 2 0
Idyllwild Pizza Braves 1 1
Jo’An’s Eagles 1 0
Town Crier Fireballs 0 1
Idyllwild Property Management Creepers 0 2
No scoring is kept in the T-ball division, which includes the American Legion Patriots, the Town Baker Bad News Bakers, the Silver Pines Cubs and the Ferro Sluggers.