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Fashion Jack: Corduroy & undershorts …

By Jack Clark

Fashion Advisor

Q. There was a period of time when corduroy was the “in” thing to wear. I wore corduroy everything — jackets, pants, shorts, socks, underwear, everything. And I loved it. Is there a way to bring corduroy back, Fashion Jack?

–Earl Whitworm, Timber, OR

A. Become a one-man corduroy movement. Make yourself some new, green corduroy stuff and wear it everyday. Don’t forget a matching corduroy hat, gloves and shoes with toe tassels. You may have to sign some autographs.

Q. My wife bought be a whole slew of undershorts. Only problem is, they not only have a label on the inside-back of the waistband, they also have one on the outside-front. Dressing in dim light each morning, I get them on inside out and backwards 50 percent of the time. What can I do about this?

–Durwood, Perris

A. This is a difficult problem that I had, too. Fortunately, it gets better with time. After about 10 years of practice, I pull them on inside out and backwards only half the time now.


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