
Creature Corner: September 21, 2017

Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” Little Girl introduced Goldie, the newest ARF dog.

Anabel: Where’s Little Girl? I need to ask her about Bodie.  Haven’t seen him this week.


Little Girl: (entering the cattery) I heard my name, and I have news to share.  

George: I figured you did!

Little Girl: Bodie has a forever home! He’s so happy.

Goldie: Aw, I’m going to miss him. I love playing with other dogs.

Little Girl: Well, you’ve got us! And you like cats, don’t you?

Goldie: Yeah, cats are fine, but I really love playing with dogs.


Anabel: What about the kittens? They’re still here?

Little Girl: They are, and they need to be adopted together. And ARF is giving a great deal on the adoption fee for both.  And they are so much fun to watch when they’re wrestling with each other.

Goldie: They are beautiful.

Ranger: As the newest member of the cattery, I have to say, this is a nice place.

George: I’m glad you’re happy here, Ranger.

Mr. Gray

Ranger:  I am, but I’d much rather be in my own home with my own human. I just love humans!

Mr. Gray: I know! I’ve watched you weave in-n-out of a human’s legs, and I couldn’t believe it when you rolled onto your back to be petted, just like a dog!

Anabel: You’re pretty human-savvy, aren’t you, Ranger? I wish I could warm up to strangers as quickly as you and Little Girl do.

Little Girl: Well, it is our gift. But Anabel, you love attention and a warm lap just as much as we do. You just need a little bit of time to feel comfortable with it.

Anabel: True. I just want a human to give me a chance.

Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “Days of Our Nine Lives” each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy. 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M-F by calling 951-659-1122.

Creature Corner is sponsored in memory of all our Beloved Pets!

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