Sports: November 1, 2018


Town Hall Sports Coordinator Michael Holato gave this report on Youth Soccer. Below are

Monday afternoon, Town Hall youth soccer players (left and below), in the age 10-14 Division, played their championship game at Idyllwild School. The Blue Stars and Green Hornets received their awards from coaches and posed for photos at the season’s end.
Photos by Jenny Kirchner

the scores, standings and players of the game for Town Hall Youth Soccer.

 Ages 4-6

The season ends with four more scoreless games and the awards ceremony. One thing the 4 to 6 year olds learned was how to play defense.

Town Hall would like to recognize the players who had outstanding seasons. Ferro Woodland Warriors: Talon Puckett, Johnny Aronson, Danielle Rodriquez, Hayden DeRoche, Daisey Pathan and Audrey Lopez. Idyllwild Garage Yellow Jackets: Jacqueline Lopez, Kayson Adams, Owen Castro, Selena Esparza, Augie Titus and Victoria Solario. Village Market Wiggle Worms: Isiah McCaughey, Beau Dillon, Bon Donavan, Quinnlyn Carpenter, Solar Iyaman and Olivia Mejia. Idyllwild Shell Knights: Kinsey Kretsinger, Ian Castro, Charlotte Taylor, Iasador Toler, Jairo Lopez and Marlin Peterson.

The young players excitedly look at the plaques and medals before the ceremony begins. Photo by Jenny Kirchner

Ages 7-9

The season ended with the playoffs starting Tuesday, Oct. 30 and Thursday, Nov. 1.

Players of the week were Crazy Train Pub & Grill’s Galaxy Jackson Taylor, Hailey Olivier and Silas Holdber. Stars of the week for American Legion Tornadoes were Aiden Pritchett and Piper Pritchett. Patty Perez Rockets stars were Lucy Newman, Kaylle Gage and Nicholas Sanchez. Forest Realty Idyllwild Stars were led by Indigo Dagnall, Darius Esparza and Andrea Lopez. 

Idyllwild Stars play Tornadoes and Galaxy play Rockets in the first round of playoffs. Finals

Thursday afternoon was the final games and awards for the Town Hall Youth 4- to 6-year-old Division soccer players. This was one of the largest participating years ever. Photo by Jenny Kirchner

of the medal rounds are Thursday.

Standings Wins Losses Ties

Idyllwild Stars801

Galaxy 6 3 0

Rockets 2 7 0

Tornadoes 1 7 1

Ages 10-14

The 10 to 14 year olds wrapped up the season with a tie and an Idyllwild Brew Pub Blue Stars two-win over Muir Mountains Green Hornets.

Players of the week for the Green Hornets were Bailey Easley, Cody Fogle and Zachariah Russo. Travis Rocha, Christian Gonzalez and Hunter Nunez were stars for the Blue Stars.

The championship game is Monday was Monday followed by the awards ceremony. (This will be reported in next week’s Town Crier.)

Standings Wins Losses Ties

Blue Stars 3 1 5

Green Hornets 1 3 5

Idyllwild School Girls volleyball team defeated the Noli Indian School from San Jacinto in their volleyball match Monday afternoon.
Photo by
Jenny Kirchner

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