Snowstorms shut down Idyllwild
Wednesday morning, another snowstorm, this one a blizzard, closed not only Fairway Foods and most businesses in town, but the Idyllwild Post office.
The highways to Idyllwild experienced traffic collisions, roadway floods and rockfalls, creating a situation where residents off the Hill and residents on the Hill were unable to access their destinations.
Jack and Becky Clark, owners of the Idyllwild Town Crier, anticipated that they would have to leave the Hill for the desert Tuesday night to return Wednesday with newspapers to deliver. They are now in the desert. However, the Wednesday storm prevented them returning. Unfortunately, the highway closures may still prevent that on Thursday, their anticipated return.
The Clarks may have to deliver two weeks of Town Criers to residents next week. However, those who have digital delivery receive the newspaper timely.
Pine Cove Water District’s live web cameras give updates on the winter storm conditions: