“Seeing is Believing” at Nature Center
The “Rustic Wedding” fashion show, put on by Idyllwild Arts Academy, will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. Saturday, March 10, at the Idyllwild School Gym, to benefit the Idyllwild Help Center. “Brides” and “grooms” will model the gowns and suits. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the Help Center and Idyllwild Pharmacy….
It’s spring, Hill daffodils are beginning to emerge and dance in the warmth of the sun, and the Idyllwild Master Chorale is presenting a spring musical confection designed to inspire and entertain. IMC Director Dwight “Buzz” Holmes reprises the successful pairing from last spring of classical and Broadway that played to standing room only audiences….
Good ol’ Sheriff came to the rescue, shooting down the cowboys Saturday afternoon. The gunfighters and cowboys took over town on and near The Fort Saturday afternoon before heading to Idyology for the celebration of its grand opening Saturday night.
Only the craziest, zaniest hair-dos were picked by Idyllwild School Principal Matt Kraemer …
To judge from the attendance at last Tuesday evening’s presentation ofthe concert honoring the achievements of Idyllwild’s own guitarist andluthier extraordinaire David Pelham, the event served as both acelebratory and devotional function. Under the sponsorship of theFriends of the Idyllwild Library, the attraction was equally a stimulusto the curious as well as the knowing. The…
Trinity Houston, executive director of the Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema, was surprised when there was some pushback from several attending filmmakers or their representatives over the film “Standpoint” winning five IIFC awards, including Best Short Film, Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress. “Standpoint” was made in 2016 by students at…