Idyology opens with a bang

Photo by Jenny Kirchner
By Lynn PennockContributed Chris Pennock first came to Idyllwild 40 years ago to rock climb with his stunt man. It was then that he fell in love with the beautiful surroundings of the Idyllwild mountains. Chris often came up on weekends to hike with friends. In 1988, he moved here to Idyllwild with his new…
#InsteadofRedface – performance: Examining Indigenous America’s contributions to theater From Sunday, June 23, to Friday, June 28, the Idyllwild Arts Summer Program will write another chapter in its history of engagement with Native American Arts by hosting the Native American Arts Festival. The history is as old as the Summer Program itself, which dates to…
Artist Richelle Gribble spent her childhood in Idyllwild. She attended Idyllwild School from kindergarten through eighth grade, then went to Idyllwild Arts Academy for high school. The arts have paved her way through her career so far, expanding her understanding of how she can share it with the masses. Gribble attended University of Southern California…
By Christian ChalifourContributed Chamber orchestra is back. Two rehearsals start this month: two groups in two different locations.Desert Chamber Orchestra (DCO) rehearsals will resume Thursdays (for the summer) from 7 to 9:30 p.m. beginning July 22 at Metropolitan Community Church Coachella Valley, 32150 Candlewood Dr., Cathedral City, CA 92234. Rehearsals will be every other week…
Two local restaurants sold last week. David Butterfield, co-owner of Ferro and the Idyllwild Brewpub, was the principal in the acquisition of Jo’An’s and Uncle B’s. He confirmed his involvement in response to a question from the Town Crier. While he was not ready to discuss the future possible uses of the Jo’An’s site, he…