PHOTOS: This week in Idyllwild: March 10, 2016
![The Idyllwild Community Fund Advisory Committee posed for a collective photograph after a welcome luncheon at the Gastrognome Restaurant for five new members last week. Kneeling in front is Marshall Smith (president). Second row (from left) are Jose Marquez (Community Foundation director of Philanthropic Services), Shannon Houlihan Ng, Jayne Davis (corresponding secretary), Callie Wight, Lenore Sazer, Holly Guntermann (youth grantmakers coordinator), Bill Sperling, Jeri-Sue Haney (recording secretary and vice president for strategic planning) and Suzanne Avalon (vice president for events). Back row (from left) are Mary Morse (vice president for social media), Lou Bacher, Chris Scott, Larrynn Carver (treasurer and vice president for marketing) and Kathy Harmon-Luber (vice president for fundraising). Not present for the photograph is Jim Nutter (vice president). Photo courtesy Suzanne Avalon](
Photo courtesy Suzanne Avalon
![Scott Fisher (left) spoke about cancer research at the Idyllwild Rotary last week. “When we heard why a simple aspirin cost $50 in a hospital, believe it or not, it made sense,” said Rotary President Chuck Weisbart (right). Photo by Tom Kluzak](
Photo by Tom Kluzak
![Missy Churchill, Health Tech at Idyllwild School, will be honored as Employee of the Year at a ceremony at the Hemet Unified District office Wednesday night, March 23. Churchill is an Idyllwild resident and has been with the district for 15 years. She has been at Idyllwild School for two years. “It’s great to be part of the town,” said Churchill. “I help with many different aspects at the school.” Churchill is married and has two adult sons. Photo by Marshall Smith](
Photo by Marshall Smith
![The Idyllwild Middle School Youth Grantmakers are in the process of reviewing three grant applications from local organizations. The grants, to be eligible, must benefit Idyllwild teens. At the end of the process, on Thursday, March 10, the Youth Grantmakers, numbering 30 this year, will conduct a ceremony honoring the recipients and awarding $3,000 in grant money. Shown here assisting students in the review process are Idyllwild Community Fund Advisory Committee member Jayne Davis (center) and Donna Mercer (left), Idyllwild School Youth Grantmaker faculty coordinator, along with George Companiott (not shown in this photo). Photo by Bill Sperling](
Photo by Bill Sperling
![Sean Longstreet (center) and his trio played at Ferro last week. Photo by John Drake](
Photo by John Drake
![A movie crew films Tuesday morning at the Town Baker. On Monday, they were at the Idyllwild Library. Photo by JP Crumrine](
Photo by JP Crumrine
Good ol’ Sheriff came to the rescue, shooting down the cowboys Saturday afternoon. The gunfighters and cowboys took over town on and near The Fort Saturday afternoon before heading to Idyology for the celebration of its grand opening Saturday night.
Two weeks of backing Sammy Davis Jr. and four legendary tap dancers forever changed his brush technique …
For Herb Jeffries, the long ride is over.
Many residents attended a Chinese New Year celebration held by Idyllwild Community Acupuncture on Friday, Jan. 27. Free 20-minute acupuncture treatments, massages and Jin Shin Jystsu sessions were offered. Proceeds of donations are to benefit Breanna Lewis, 12, who will participate in the 2012 Irish Dance World Competition in Ireland.
Retired arts educator Ken Young, popular with Idyllwild audiences for his portrayals of famous painters, makes his last Idyllwild appearance as French pointillist Georges Seurat at 6 p.m. Thursday, April 11, at Rainbow Inn …
Mark Davis is the next speaker at the Spotlight on Leadership series, sponsored by the Associates of Idyllwild Arts Foundation. The talk is at 10 a.m. Monday, Feb. 11, in the Fireside Room in Nelson Dining Hall on the Idyllwild Arts campus. The event is free to the public. Davis became director of Summer and…