Idyllwild Community Acupuncture marks Chinese New Year

Country music star Leann Rimes appears at Living Free’s Oct. 6 fundraising event …
A happy birthday celebration took place at the popular La Casita Restaurant for Charlotte Anthony on Friday, July 29. Also attending the festive event.
Marsha Kennedy, artistic director and founder of Idyllwild’s Stratford Players, in announcing the company’s holiday presentation, noted the holidays can be filled with too much hustle and bustle. “With our presentation, essayist Robert Fulghum’s ‘Uh Oh, Here Comes Christmas,’ we want to give people a break, take care of them a little with a warm…
The Idyllwild Arts Academy Jazz Combo returned to the top of the podium, taking first place in the 49th Berklee High School Jazz Festival, small combo, (S-4) smaller-school category. Once again, two IAA musicians were honored in the highest individual award categories — Owen Zorn, bass, for Superior Musicianship, and Sumi Onoe, piano, for Outstanding…
It is not just the loved ones who need succor but often those tendering care need love, too. No matter how much love and goodwill we offer to a family member — child or elderly — or friend, sometimes, even without being aware, the gift of caring can become an unexpected burden. Coping with and…
By Art Alliance of IdyllwildContributed The Art Alliance of Idyllwild (AAI) wants to stimulate the creativity and imagination of local children during California’s “Stay-at-Home” order. To support this goal, the AAI purchased art materials and kits costing over $1,000. The aim is to distribute these art kits to local families with children. The AAI…