Creature Corner: October 20, 2016
Last week in The Days of Our Nine Lives, the ARF dogs and cats celebrated two dog adoptions.
Leia: One, two, three…
George: Whatcha counting?
Leia: I’m counting the cats to see if we’re missing any, you know, any that might have been adopted.
Bobbie: We’re all here. No adoptions this week. Bummer.
Binky: No adoptions, maybe, but we do have two new dogs!
Leia: Oh yeah. I forgot. Two little girls.
Bobbie: And they’re okay cuz they like cats.
Leia: And they like dogs and older children.
George: Are they going to introduce themselves?
Leia: They’re on their way to meet us all. I think Pirate is showing them around the ARF House.
Pirate: Attention! Time to gather and meet our new canine family members. Here are Tinkerbell and Pompeii.
Tinkerbell: (very softly) Hello, everyone. It’s nice to meet you.
Pompeii: Hi! I’m Pompeii.
Binky: What can you tell us about yourselves?
Pompeii: Well, Tinkerbell and I have been together since we were puppies, and now we’re 7. Our forever parents are senior citizens, and they could no longer care for us. We’re house trained, not barky. And we love a warm lap.
Pirate: You know, I was in a similar situation. You’ll be so glad that you’re part of the ARF family. I know I am!
Binky: Pirate is right. We are all so lucky. The only way things will get better is when we find our forever families.
George: Ahh, a forever family. I dream of the day.
Bobbie: We all do, George, we all do.
How long will the ARF dogs and cats be dreaming of adoption? Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of Days of our Nine Lives each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M – F by calling 951-659-1122. Check us out online at:
Creature Corner is Sponsored in Memory of Felix.