Art Connor
Idyllwild Arts Academy Chamber Music Concert
When dealing with the expected annual presentation of the musical capabilities of Idyllwild Arts Academy students, one is always aware of the...
Art’s Corner
With the approaching turn of the seasons here in Idyllwild, as well aselsewhere, the outlook generally bodes well for the expected fineweather...
Art’s Corner
To judge from the attendance at last Tuesday evening’s presentation ofthe concert honoring the achievements of Idyllwild’s own guitarist andluthier extraordinaire David...
Art’s Corner
If any one thing can be counted upon for end-of-year entertainment opportunities here on the Hill, the annual get-together at the Idyllwild...
Art’s Corner
Every yearly scheduled event presented at the Lowman Concert Hall on the Idyllwild Arts Academy (IAA) campus promises treasures of sound production...
Art’s Corner
Hopes were high this past weekend at the Lowman Concert Hall on the Idyllwild Arts Academy campus; with the continued warm weather...
Art’s Corner
The prospects of the Labor Day holiday weekend always bode well for the Idyllwild area, regardless of ever-changing weather patterns and the...
Art’s Corner
Whatever the circumstances were involved in the delay of Idyllwild Master Chorale’s regular spring concert presentation to nearly two months after the...
Art’s Corner
Whenever the occasion arises for a live music concert here in the various set locations in Idyllwild, hope issues forth for a...
Art’s Corner
The ending of a calendar period is a somewhat somber occasion, whether it be that of a year, a month or a...