Art & Culture

Jazz in the Pines, Art Alliance of Idyllwild, Idyllwild Arts and other arts and entertainment, theatre, live music and visual arts coverage. The most comprehensive arts and entertainment calendar covering the Idyllwild area.

A very Idyllwild Fourth of July

Many local community groups participated in the 2011 Fourth of July Parade. A few are pictured here.

Noel Alumit visits Idyllwild authors series

Noel Alumit, author of “Talking to the Moon” and “Letters to Montgomery Clift,” talks with Idyllwild Authors Series host Eduardo Santiago at 2 p.m....

Why “Our Town” endures

Isis Theatre is presenting Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town” starting Friday July 8 through Sunday July 10 at the Caine Learning Center. It is a full production that director Emily Heebner has crafted to enhance the spare staging and terse text that are hallmarks of “Our Town.”

Altschul’s “Deus Ex Machina” savages media

Andrew Altschul, according to reviews, has applied a devilish wit to what he observes as a growing societal fascination with reality TV, in his...

Santana tribute band, Bohemio, opens Summer Concert Series

Bohemio, a sizzling Latin jazz and Santana tribute band from the Coachella Valley jump-starts Ken Dahleen’s popular community event, the Idyllwild Summer Concert Series....

Idyllwild’s Fourth of July

Parade blossomed from small-town patriotism ...

Nature Center’s Junior Naturalist programs in full swing

The Idyllwild Nature Center has announced the topics for its summer Junior Naturalist Programs. Children, ages 7 to 11 years, can engage in a...

Emax, art and Idyllwild

Ernie Maxwell, Idyllwild Town Crier newspaper founder with his wife Betty, discovered an environment in Idyllwild in which to express his many talents, impressing his spirit permanently on the community.
Idyllwild lilacs begin to bloom

Blooms and art combine for Idyllwild lilac walk

The Garden Club’s Lilac Walk and Tea, on Saturday May 14, adds a new element this year — artists working in their media and exhibiting their work.