
Sustainability: Cooking up a Healthier Planet …

At Idyllwild Arts Academy, we have begun to implement sustainable practices in many aspects of our campus life. Some of the greatest successes have occurred in our dining hall. We’ve become deliberate in sourcing our food locally, seasonally and in pursuit of organic produce. We have moved forward in establishing relationships with local farmers who can provide fresh, humanely raised and chemical free meat, poultry and eggs.

Past Tense: Dec. 22, 2011

Past Tense: Dec. 22, 2011

65 years ago – 1946 Harold Sanborn, chair of the Chamber building committee, announced that every Friday was to be Labor Day. Lenny Poates was to have a crew on hand to add to the community building. 60 years ago – 1951 The Lions Club viewed Korean War combat films at Fern Valley Lodge. The…

Past Tense: Dec. 15, 2011

Past Tense: Dec. 15, 2011

55 years ago – 1956 Former California Attorney General Robert Kenny was in town paying a visit to his former business associate, Hazel Cress. 50 years ago – 1961 Emax saw the painting of yellow lines on the highways as “a trend toward the police state.” 45 years ago – 1966 A series of storms…