Opinion: Publishing rants is not free speech

I must speak out against the recent accusatory ranting recently published in the opinion and letters section of the Town Crier. It is inconceivable to me that a newspaper would allow such personal attacks impugning the character and reputation of those who are trying to serve this community to be printed. This is wrong. It does not serve the interests of the community and it is beyond the scope of First Amendment rights.

As a reader, I welcome responsible investigative reporting. I want differences of opinion to be expressed whether or not I agree with the opinion. I encourage those who have concerns to articulate them and I appreciate a forum in the newspaper where this can take place.

But I must absolutely denounce the tacit complicity of the Town Crier in publishing defamatory material such as the letter entitled “Who is Community Center for?” I am appalled at the lack of editorial judgment in this case. I am one who enjoys reading our local newspaper and I have no ax to grind with those who work very hard to bring this paper to the community each week. I simply cannot remain silent, however, when I believe such editorial decisions are harmful to the sense of community that for many of us is the heart and soul of Idyllwild.

Sam Crowell

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