
Past Tense: November 6, 2014

Past-Tense65 years ago – 1949

The Town Crier was starting its fourth year publishing a newspaper on the Hill.


60 years ago – 1954

An open meeting was scheduled at Town Hall to discuss the proposed tramway into the wilderness area.


55 years ago – 1959

Winter arrived with snow and rain. On Tahquitz Peak, Jess Southwell slammed shut the lookout door and trudged down the trail in 18 inches of snow.


50 years ago – 1964

Idyllwild firefighters inspected a new pumper that was added to the department’s inventory. The rig was capable of pumping 1,000 gallons per minute.


45 years ago – 1969

Some prices for products offered at Village Market: pork roast, 47 cents a pound; corn tortillas, two dozen for 25 cents; ice cream, 59 cents for half a gallon; and bananas, 10 cents a pound.


40 years ago – 1974

It was the end of the line as far as freedom for dogs was concerned with the passage of a leash law that went into effect on the Hill.


35 years ago – 1979

Financing arrangements for construction of a 3-million-gallon water tank in the Fern Valley Water District were completed in San Francisco. Construction was set to begin within the month.


30 years ago – 1984

Jan Boss, owner of Jan’s Red Kettle and Country Corner restaurants, served free pie and coffee on election day to all who presented a valid voter receipt. She reported that 333 pieces of pie and gallons of coffee were consumed.


25 years ago – 1989

Asbestos removal and containment began at the Idyllwild School of Music and the Arts. The project was estimated to cost $70,000.


20 years ago – 1994

Property owners in Alandale, a small community located north of Pine Cove, voted to change the community’s name to Stone Creek.


15 years ago – 1999

Idyllwild Teen Association, along with the Coordinated Resource Management and Planning, came up with a business proposal to start a teen-run store and skate park.


10 years ago – 2004

It was announced that because of a shortage of flu shots, they would not be available on the Hill and Idyllwild-area residents were directed to public health-sponsored vaccination clinics elsewhere in the county.


5 years ago – 2009

In January 2010, the Idyllwild Area Historical Society was to break ground for a new 732-square-foot Archive and Research Center, which, according to IAHS volunteer Bob Smith, would provide the climate control and fire security necessary to safeguard and prevent deterioration of museum resources.


 1 year ago – 2013

Since July 1, the beginning of the 2013-14 rain year, Idyllwild (at the Keenwild Fire Station in Mountain Center) had received about 5.2 inches of rain –– 50 percent greater than normal through October.

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