
Creature Corner: May 4, 2017


Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” new cats Joey and Cali were welcomed by the group.


Alice: (speaking to Cali) So, Cali, how are you liking it here at ARF?

Cali: I like it a lot, especially since the humans are helping me lose some weight.

Joey: Me, too. Before you know it, we’ll be sleek and sexy!

Alice: Yeah, you will! Is it true you’re declawed?


Joey: Sad, but true. I hope there is some human who will want us anyway.

Bobbie: (entering the cattery) I just heard you say you hope someone will want to adopt you, Joey. You might have to wait, but it will happen.

Alice: We just have to be patient, just like the humans need to be with us.  Some of us are shy at first and need time to get to know them.

Cali: I’m not so shy. I just want to be petted and given some love. I miss my forever mom, but I know someday I’ll see her at the rainbow



Alice: How about you, Joey? Are you shy?

Joey: Oh, a little, but I warm up to humans pretty quickly.


Bobbie: If what you two are saying is true, you are part of a group of super-friendly cats.

Cali: Who’s in this group?

Bobbie: Alice is, I am, of course, and George.  The others are friendly, too, but in their own time.

George: I just figure we have to strut our stuff right away to win the hearts of the humans.

Joey: I’ll give it a try.

Cali: And so will I.

Bobbie: Just watch us, follow our lead.

George: You’ll get the hang of it pretty quickly!

Will Joey and Cali learn to “strut their stuff?”  Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “Days of Our Nine Lives” each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy. 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M-F by calling 951-659-1122.

Creature Corner is sponsored in memory of Pepper.

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