
Creature Corner: August 24, 2017

For the past three weeks in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” the cast of characters were introduced to fans.


George: Everyone gather around!  We had a new cat come in, but here is the biggest news. Bobbie found a forever home, and so did Audrey!

Tinkerbell: I thought it was kind of quiet around here. Bobbie’s adoption explains that!


Heavenly Whiskers: Who’s the new cat?

George: She’s the new office cat.

Little Girl: (enters the cattery) Hello my fellow felines. I’m known as Little Girl, but I’m really an older gal, 17 to be exact. But

Heavenly Whiskers

don’t let my age fool you.  I’m super healthy and playful.  I’m replacing Bobbie for a couple of reasons. One is, I’m over-the-top friendly with humans, and the other is I’m declawed, and you clawed cats can intimidate me.

George: But wait!  There’s more!  ARF has three new dogs.

Roadie: (enters the room) Hey there. I’m Roadie, and I have come to you through the kindness of a woman who found me

Little Girl

dodging traffic on Highway 74.

Pepper: So, what’s your story?


Roadie: I think I’m a German Shepherd-mix, about 3 years old, and I like other dogs. You cats are OK, too.

Ivory: (strolls in) I’m Ivory, the senior citizen of the group.  I’m 13 years old, an American Bulldog-mix, and I am so mellow and loving.  I like dogs, cats and all humans. I’ve been told I’m a dream on a leash. And I’m house-trained. I just love to take naps.

Bodie: (bounding into the room) And I’m Bodie! I am a 1-year-old Yorkie Poo. My parents moved to another state and


couldn’t take me. I like dogs and you cats, too!  I’m just a little nervous around new people right now.

Anabel: Welcome to all of you!


Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “Days of Our Nine Lives” each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy. 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M-F by calling 951-659-1122.

Creature Corner is sponsored by Coyote Red’s & Chena.


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