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Readers Write: July 21, 2022

Bless the USA

Dear Editor:
I am proud to be an American. Before the start of the Fourth of July Parade, the participants were lined up.
I had the wonderful opportunity to say “Hello” to the horses and even kissed Jake the horse on the nose. We both enjoyed it. What a nice start of of the parade.
I was honored riding in the big white fire truck. It was heartwarming to see so many people on both sides of the road cheering, clapping and thanking the brave firefighters for their service.
It brought tears to my eyes thinking and knowing what freedom means and to be grateful and feeling blessed.
We have an obligation to defend our freedom and rights.
Idyllwild is loved and cherished by many of us. You just have to look around — see the majestic trees, the powerful mountains, the breath of nice, fresh air. It is our haven and refuge in this troubled world.
Idyllwild has so much history — just go to the museum. I help there as a docent. People find the museum very interesting and many buy a book about Idyllwild to read at home.
This is why we must preserve our historical buildings. When changes are made, they should not be detrimental nor defacing to the buildings and have it called art. This so-called art does not belong to our historical buildings nor fences.
Don’t be selfish. Think of the good of Idyllwild. Let us work together. Nevermind money and power. You can’t take it with you. We must keep the charm of Idyllwild. This is our combined obligation.
Gisela Stearns

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