Opinion: Outstanding coverage
I commend you for your outstanding coverage of the Mountain Fire and the pictures your fearless photographer took of the event. You truly served the members of the community.
Paula DeBlanc
I commend you for your outstanding coverage of the Mountain Fire and the pictures your fearless photographer took of the event. You truly served the members of the community.
Paula DeBlanc
A free concert on a beautiful Sunday night — now, that’s a party! As a retailer, I’ve seen a lot of “still life” Septembers on this mountain. But organizers kept the tourists, as well as the locals, entertained on a normally docile Sunday evening. Casey was a perfect “local boy makes good” with his talent…
Dear editor:I’m as surprised as you may be, but I feel moved to offer kudos to Southern California Edison.Over the last few years, SCE has proactively sent numerous convoys up the Hill to repair or replace aging, inadequate equipment. Although this has meant frequent scheduled interruptions in service, it has also resulted in a sharp…
Editor: Aspartame is an artificial sweetener created in laboratory by Monsanto, a pesticide and GMO manufacturer. This sickening sweetness is brought to us in little packets of NutraSweet, Sweeta, Equal, Spoonful, Canderel and Benevia. Diet sodas are full of it, and so are low-calorie, low-fat and sugar free food products. We think we’re eating healthy…
Having been a longtime resident of Idyllwild, I am somewhat bewildered by the abandonment of the Town Crier’s policy of one letter per month per contributor. Our town is big enough to surely have more comments than constant diatribes from Jeff Smith and T.S. Bennett. I’ve never seen Mr. Smith’s name mentioned on any board…
Dear editor:You have shown in your previous edition photos of overuse of garbage cans and the caption was “ . . . whether Idyllwild has the infrastructure to handle large numbers of visitors.”This does not come close to describing the situation in Idyllwild during snow days. There are so many cars and pickups coming up…
I have received many of these calls trying to tell me my computer is infected with a virus or trojan. There is no doubt this is a scam. They want you to buy a program that does maintenance on your computer. Of course, once you install that program they have access to your computer. On…