
Creature Corner: September 8, 2022

By Janice Murasko
Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” new ARF cats welcomed new feline Newton.
Phil: (singing) Happy days are here again!
Atlas: Well, pretty much every day here is happy. What’s up?
Phil: Candy was adopted! She is happily living in Pine Cove.
Newton: Wow! And I barely got to know her.
Buffie: But you have us.
Newton: That’s right, Buffy. What do all of you think about this heat wave?
Harley: It’s terrible!
Phil: And just think how hot it is off the mountain!
Newton: I certainly hope people with pets are prepared for the hot weather.
Atlas: And up here, that means also being prepared for emergencies, in particular fire.
Phil: Hopefully all pet parents have emergency “to go” bags or boxes for their beloved pets.
Cuddles: Making certain all dogs and cats have identification and a micro chip is critical.
Phil: ARF micro chips pets for life, just $20. It’s a great price for peace of mind.
Cuddles: And pet parents should have a plan in case of evacuation. Where will they be able to stay with their pets?
Phil: And do they have the pet’s medication, food and bed ready to go?
Atlas: Right! And they should have two weeks worth of whatever is necessary.
Phil: It’s also a good idea to have photos of the pet with its parent on a phone to prove ownership.
Don: It is probably also a good idea to have trained the cat or dog to relax in a crate.
Phil: That could be crucial.
Newton: It’s a good idea to have a neighbor with a house key ready to rescue a pet in case the owner is off the Hill.
Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “Days of our Nine Lives” each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Highway 243. ARF is open Saturdays 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Sundays 10 a.m.-2 p.m., and during the week by appointment. Please call 951-659-1122.
Creature Corner is sponsored by Sandi Mathers.

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