
Past Tense: Jan. 26, 2012

65 years ago – 1947 The Chamber of Commerce announced that a deputy sheriff would be assigned to the area, and a new switchboard would be installed in the summer to handle 200 phones. • • • A University of Southern California movie crew photographed the Chamber meeting for a film dealing with the proposed…

Past Tense: Jan. 19, 2012

Past Tense: Jan. 19, 2012

65 years ago – 1947 There were 300 families living year-round in the area. 60 years ago – 1952 Movie shows at Hillbilly Lodge ended as the Froelichs worked to complete their new Rustic Theatre. 55 years ago – 1957 Hill folk living beside Strawberry Creek reported hearing a strange noise following the heavy rain….

Creature Corner: Jan. 12, 2012

Creature Corner: Jan. 12, 2012

Paws up to Winifred, our Weimaraner puppy, who gave everyone who walked in the door those big puppy eyes, and made contact with her forever family. We have pictures at ARF of Bruno, a chocolate American Staffordshire, who needs to be rehomed as his owner is ill. Do you know what love is? To Sweetpea, the ARF Diva, it’s a soft caress, a warm blanket, a

Past Tense: Jan. 12, 2012

Past Tense: Jan. 12, 2012

65 years ago – 1947 Pop Groom leased land above Pine Cove where Haigh and Weller were logging for a winter sports area. 60 years ago – 1952 The State Riding and Hiking Trail project again stalled due to right-of-way difficulties. The trail may be re-routed elsewhere. 55 years ago – 1957 Janet Froehlich was…