
Creature Corner: August 26, 2021

Creature Corner: August 26, 2021

Last week in Days of Our Nine Lives, the ARF cats met three adorable puppies.Stevie: I enjoy the quiet times here, but right now it’s just creepy.Whiskers: Creepy as in too quiet?Stevie: Yep, too quiet. Shouldn’t those puppies be making noise? And shouldn’t Fern be shushing them?Pepper: Fern would be shushing them if she was…

Creature Corner: August 19, 2021

Creature Corner: August 19, 2021

Fern: (Calling aloud) Rosemary? Where are you?Stevie: If you’re looking for Rosemary, give it up. She was adopted!Fern: Well, that’s great news. I was calling for her because I’m hearing noises.Stevie: Oh, I hear the noises too, and I think I know where the ruckus is coming from.Pepper: I bet it’s those puppies.Fern: Puppies? We…

Readers Write: Aug. 12, 2021
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Readers Write: Aug. 12, 2021

Short-term rentals Dear editor:I would like to chime in on the current debate over STRs (Short Term Rentals). As other Town Crier readers have mentioned, the county of Riverside is currently proposing upgrades to the existing ordinance 927, which regulates them. The upgraded ordinance can be viewed here: planner handling it is asking for…