Past Tense: June 11, 2015

Taking part in Boys State in 1973 was Kevin Spier, 17, of Mountain Center. Kevin joined about 800 other youth from all over the U.S. for a week’s orientation and observation of how the state government works. Idyllwild’s American Legion Post 800 sponsored one or two boys to attend the week’s training. Kevin’s father, Oren Spier, was a Boys State delegate in 1957. File Photo
Taking part in Boys State in 1973 was Kevin Spier, 17, of Mountain Center. Kevin joined about 800 other youth from all over the U.S. for a week’s orientation and observation of how the state government works. Idyllwild’s American Legion Post 800 sponsored one or two boys to attend the week’s training. Kevin’s father, Oren Spier, was a Boys State delegate in 1957.
File Photo

65 years ago – 1950
The town was filled with movie stars as Audie Murphy and Marguerite Chapman headed up the cast for “Kansas Raider,” which was filmed on Garner Ranch.

60 years ago – 1955
Representing a dozen different countries, students from Pasadena City College spent a weekend on the Hill.

55 years ago – 1960
Pinecraft Furniture, established in Idyllwild in 1939, making it one of the oldest businesses in town, was sold. Taking over were Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Prall of Vista.

50 years ago – 1965
The site of the old Sportland Park was under extensive renovations. The swimming pool was to be removed and a restaurant and cocktail lounge were planned to be built.

45 years ago – 1970
The University of Southern California-Idyllwild School of Music and the Arts (now Idyllwild Arts Academy), celebrated its 20th year of offering summer sessions.

40 years ago – 1975
The first hearing on the county’s new subdivision ordinance was held June 18. The ordinance was designed to update the existing county land division statutes and make them conform with the new legislation.

35 years ago – 1980
Moses Eason, 2-1/2, was saved by his dog, Terry. A rattlesnake was going after Moses when Terry jumped in and bit the snake on the head. Terry was badly injured by the snake, but soon recovered.

30 years ago – 1985
Idyllwild Fire Department received its first caller I.D. equipment. The equipment showed the location of the 911 caller.

25 years ago – 1990
The fifth-annual Special Needs Camp took place, with 111 disabled youths and almost the same number of volunteers. The days were filled with tears of joy and memories that would last a lifetime.

20 years ago – 1995
Trinity Pines, The Children’s Place, after five years of providing daycare, closed due to financial difficulties. The closure affected many families on the Hill who were hoping to send their children to the daycare center.

15 years ago – 2000
Several rattlesnake sightings were reported in and around homes due to the warm weather on the Hill.

10 years ago – 2005
Hoping to build a 1,078-square-foot extension, the Friends of the Idyllwild Library were trying to raise $47,000 for the project since Riverside County would not give any additional funding.

5 years ago – 2010
Judge W. Charles Morgan affirmed the jury’s death penalty for Raymond Lee Oyler, 39, whom the jury found guilty of starting the October 2006 Esperanza Fire that killed five U.S. Forest Service firefighters.

1 year ago – 2014
Speaking at last week’s Idyllwild Conversations meeting, Dr. Richard Minnich made it clear that he believes the Hill is still very vulnerable to another large and devastating wildfire because the forest is too dense and the town has too much vegetation.

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