Idyllwild Fire to consider increasing fees for project reviews at March 26 meeting

At the March 26 meeting of the Idyllwild Fire Protection District commission, a revised fee schedule will be on the agenda.
The district will consider increasing many fees for reviewing construction plans, water systems and mitigation efforts, and adding some new fees.
Capt. James LaMont developed the new fee amounts. He assessed the time needed to review or evaluate a plan, and based the fees on that.
If approved, the fee revenue could increase between 30 and 50 percent. However, the current revenue estimate is about $3,000 so new fees will not dramatically increase total revenues of more than $2 million.
Commissioners will discuss and consider possible action regarding additions, alterations and increases to Resolution 460, Fire Prevention Fees; Resolution 461, Fire Mitigation Fees; Resolution 462, Fire Mitigation Fee Schedule; and Resolution 463, Fire Prevention Fee Schedule.
The commission meets at 3 p.m. Tuesday, March 26, at the Idyllwild Fire Station.

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