Home Authors Posts by JP Crumrine

JP Crumrine

JP Crumrine is news editor of the Idyllwild Town Crier newspaper.

Another Point of View: Health insurers marketing neglects rural communities

In April several local residents received letters from their health insurance companies suggesting two ways to save money. The first was to switch to...

IFPD ready to recruit new chief

The Idyllwild Fire Protection Commission approved a salary range for the next fire chief and announced the vacancy last week. Interested individuals are to...

Traffic collision at Hemet High

A major traffic accident occurred in front of Hemet High School Wednesday afternoon. The early reports indicate at least 10 people were injured —...

Nuclear debate comes to Idyllwild

On Wednesday, May 30, a special "This is this" conversation will take place. Two well-known nuclear energy experts — Shaun Burnie and Kendra Ulrich...

Scarafone challenges Stone for supervisor role

Joe Scarafone, Hemet, is challenging incumbent Supervisor Jeff Stone for Riverside County’s 3rd Supervisorial seat. Whoever garners a majority of the vote will be...

County honors Andrea Sanborn and Matt Kraemer

Last week, Matt Kraemer, Idyllwild School principal, and Andrea Sanborn, Idyllwild resident, were recognized for their long-standing commitment to special education. The Riverside County Special...

Two low-key challengers for assembly seat

New Assembly District 71, in which the Hill communities form the northern apexes of the district, has three candidates on the ballot. Incumbent Brian...

Garner grazing allotment under review

The San Jacinto Ranger District of the San Bernardino National Forest is initiating a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis for the Garner Allotment...

Brown’s budget can’t find phantom revenue

Last week, Gov. Jerry Brown released the revision of his January budget proposal for fiscal 2012-13, which begins on July 1. Unfortunately, the state’s...