Congressional debate heated, but disappointing

Candidates for California’s Congressional District 36 debated Friday night, Oct. 12. Policy answers were infrequent. Instead both candidates challenged their opponent’s character. Incumbent, Republican Representative...

Oak borer infestation zone in San Diego County

In an ongoing campaign to educate the public about the Goldspotted oak borer and the danger it presents to California’s oaks, the California Department...

Meet the HUSD board of trustees candidates

Three seats on the Hemet Unified School Board are up for filling on the November ballot. Five candidates will be on the ballot. This...

County recruiting bilingual poll workers for Nov. 6 election

Bilingual poll workers are needed at voting locations throughout Riverside County for the Nov. 6 presidential general election. Poll workers must attend a special...

Incumbent Forst says kids must come first

Marilyn Forst, 12-year incumbent on the Hemet Unified School District board, taught for 37 years in the district and believes that students must come...

Educator John Graham seeks HUSD board seat

First time candidate John Graham, a recently retired teacher from the Hemet Unified School District, is seeking a seat on the governing board. His...

HUSD board hears student health survey

Dr. Jinane Annous, director of curriculum and instruction for educational services for the Hemet Unified School District, discussed the biannual California Healthy Kids Survey...

Proposition 37 calls for labeling of genetically modified food

Proposition 37 proposes to require food manufacturers to disclose on packaging whether food has been entirely or partially produced through genetic engineering. It also...

Measure U: HUSD funding

The Hemet Unified School District is requesting reauthorization of $49 million worth of borrowing power. Measure U, on the November ballot, would allow the...

State fire fee challenged in court

Litigation to nullify the $150 state fire fee was filed Thursday. The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association filed the class action suit in Superior Court...