Art & Culture

Jazz in the Pines, Art Alliance of Idyllwild, Idyllwild Arts and other arts and entertainment, theatre, live music and visual arts coverage. The most comprehensive arts and entertainment calendar covering the Idyllwild area.

At Thanksgiving, share the love

On this Thanksgiving, former Marine and American Legion Post 800 Commander Danny Richardson will remember a Thanksgiving many years ago in Orrick, Missouri. Richardson, then...

Photos: This week in Idyllwild: November 19, 2015


Betty Ginsberg Anderson, vibrant actor and teacher

Betty Ginsberg Anderson came to Idyllwild when daughter Gemini started in the Idyllwild Arts theater program. “We thought we’d stay for two years while...

Wolves in Idyllwild on Friday the 13th

“I’d rather sing one wild song and burst my heart with it than live a thousand years.” — Jack London On a very dark night on...

Leslie Schelly joins Idyllwild School staff

Leslie Schelly has come full circle, joining the staff of Idyllwild School as front-office secretary. Having put her own three children through Idyllwild Elementary...

Thanksgiving in Idyllwild: A mountain island, tranquil and apart, celebrates family and friends

Temperatures in the morning are in the 20s. Snow whitens the ridgelines. Fireplaces send smoke swirling into the bracingly clear and star-studded night sky. The...

Stratford Players present ‘Uh-Oh, Here Comes Christmas’: A warm and cozy respite from frenetic...

Marsha Kennedy, artistic director and founder of Idyllwild’s Stratford Players, in announcing the company’s holiday presentation, noted the holidays can be filled with too...

Out of the ashes: A Thanksgiving story of tenacity, hard work and gratitude

For many years, Sasha Fisher had struggled as a single mother to raise her two children, always maintaining a positive “can do” attitude as...

Photos: Last week in Idyllwild: November 12, 2015


Who paces the streets while we sleep?: Dr. John Laundré knows and will tell

Every day dogs can be seen walking the Idyllwild streets. It is not uncommon to see a few cats either. But Dr. John Laundré, assistant...