In response to the letter by Ms. Kathy Lewis [in the Nov. 10 issue of the Town Crier], I would like to share with her that I have been working at Town Hall for the past few months in the after school program.
Before I was hired, not only was I finger-printed, but a background check was also completed. To my knowledge all the workers at Town Hall went through the same screening to protect the children.
Since the playground slides and swings have been blocked off, I have noticed that the children are more energetic and imaginative in their outdoor activities. They spend less time concerned with who is next on the swing and use the time to make up clever games — with their feet firmly planted on the ground, I might add.
Budgets and paperwork are certainly important. I have every confidence that the county will soon release them, but I think we should focus on our most important asset — our children. After all, they are the future.
I feel very fortunate that everyday, I get to help them with their homework, play with them and be an encouragement. I hope I am making a difference in their lives and the future. I sincerely hope that our community can mend fences, so we can continue to nurture and support the children of Idyllwild.
Susan Swanson
Town Hall