Opinion: Re-establish the Municipal Advisory Commitee

I live in Idyllwild Calif., where [3rd District] Supervisor [Jeff] Stone has flatly refused to re-establish the Hill MAC (Municipal Advisory Council) because (as he stated to six members of Sustainable Idyllwild at a meeting several years ago) he is too busy meeting with private groups in private (we cannot attend those meetings) handing out public money several times a week to be able to have a public meeting once a month and hand out public money publicly.

He did not mention that we could check the board agenda and drive down to Riverside if we wanted to know what was going on. I want the Supervisor’s discretionary fund removed and for Supervisor Stone to establish a Municipal Advisory Council in Idyllwild with the goal of establishing a Community Services District so that a board elected by the local community can distribute public tax money in public.

Sue Nash

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