Editor’s note: Idyllwild Fire Protection District Commissioner Dr. Charles “Chip” Schelly submitted this letter to the Town Crier last week. On Friday, July 6, he discussed his idea in more detail. Click here to see accompanying story.
By Dr. Charles "Chip" Shelley
Ladies and gentlemen, athletes and spectators of all shapes and sizes, is it our desire to rise above and move forward to better days? Are you willing to do just a little to help? Today I speak to the residents of Pine Cove CSA 38 and Idyllwild about improving the Idyllwild Fire Protection District.
Are we willing to work together, to achieve unity today and for future generations so they too can enjoy this wonderful area we call home?
I believe there are solutions to achieve these goals. There are ways to unify the community and give everyone a fair and balanced voice. Voting rights for Pine Cove residents in IFPD elections would be a start. The right to run for seat on IFPD commission for Pine Cove residents would be another step toward balance.
The American way is still alive and vibrant for all those who are willing to strive and act. We are a microcosm of what needs to take place in every neighborhood in America.
We need caring citizens who are willing to stand up and work for a cause greater than self. We need people to support effective solutions and realize that while we may be constrained by costs we can break those constraints with the effort, talent and energy that we possess as citizens of this great nation.
We can agree. We can find answers to the challenges that we face. And when we can’t agree, I know that compromise can and will be found through a democratic process that recognizes all people.
If we officially and legally recognize Pine Cove residents as part of the district we could work together as friends and neighbors with differences cast aside for the common good.
Let us unite on shared goals and strive toward that end. There is a seat on the bus for everyone, athletes and spectators of all shapes and sizes. If we work and play on the same team we will accomplish so much more than we could alone.
Please attend the Pine Cove board meeting of CSA 38 on Wednesday, July 11, at 5:30 p.m. to find ways to give everyone a fair and balanced voice.