Editor’s note: Co-publisher Jack Clark writes this week:

Pretty heady stuff, this change coming to the Town Crier on Jan. 5, and the paper’s staff is ready and eager for it.

“Full market coverage” is the term in the trade; “free to the Hill” is what it means here. TC newspapers free each week to each of thousands of mailboxes in Idyllwild, Mountain Center and Garner Valley, out to Paradise Corner. And Hill shops and businesses will be giving out free papers, too, so you should see many more tourists carrying TCs.

Hill stores and restaurants will have small (5"x6.5") but distinctive signs in their windows, inviting folk to come inside to get free local newspapers — and while they’re inside they’ll buy something else, too. Shops already distributing the TC will have first crack. But we’re doubling our circulation to more than 5,000, so if you’re interested in having free TCs in your business to attract customers inside, send an email to [email protected] or call me at 951-663-1453.

On weekends, expect to see TCs being read in restaurants and shops by many more tourists and second-home folk. To get your business ads in front of them, call Lisa at the TC office, 659-2145. With our new broadsheet size, your ads will be bigger and better looking — and they’ll go out to twice as many readers. And since we’ll still be a weekly paper, your ad won’t disappear in one day, like an ad in a daily paper. Your ads will be around town and on coffee tables for a week.

It’s all part of our ongoing effort to serve more readers and more advertisers, so we can keep a real newspaper serving our Hill.               

Jack Clark
