
Creature Corner: September 28, 2017


Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” the ARF cats celebrated Bodie’s adoption.  

Little Girl:  Adoption news!  Gather ’round.  Goldie, that sweet little dog, has found her forever home.

George: Great  news!

Little Girl: So now it’s all cats at ARF, for the moment. Let’s have roll call, shall we?

Anabel: Sounds good.


Little Girl: Line up and call out your name and your finest quality.

Anabel: Anabel here and I’m cuddly with very silky hair.

Augusta: Augusta, adorable little calico kitten.

George: George, one of only three males here. I’m a big orange ball of love!

Sadie: Sadie, one of five tuxedos. Give me some time and I’ll be your best buddy.

Mr. Gray

Ranger: Ranger, the newest tuxedo. I’m one of the guys, and I’m super friendly to everyone.

Carlie:  Carlie here and I’m very, very shy.

Mr. Gray: Just call me Gray. I’m a handsome guy who wants to love a human and a family.

Pepper:  I’m Pepper, another tuxedo.  I need a little time to trust, then I’ll love a human forever!

Trenton:  Hello, I’m Trenton, one of the two kittens.  Of course, I’m adorable.

Heavenly Whiskers: I’m usually called Whiskers, and I’m one of the shyer cats at ARF, but I really would love a forever home.

Heavenly Whiskers

Little Girl: And I’m here, Little Girl the office cat.  I’m a very healthy senior who is declawed.  I’m also very affectionate. OK, so roll call is complete. It’s a full house, or should I say it’s a full cattery? Some of us need to get into a forever home so more homeless adoptable cats may join ARF’s cattery. You two kittens, Augusta and Trenton, should be adopted quickly because you’ll go as a pair for a great reduced adoption fee.

Augusta:  I certainly hope so!

Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “Days of Our Nine Lives” each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy. 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M-F by calling 951-659-1122.

Creature Corner is sponsored in memory of all our Beloved Pets!

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