By David Pelham

Mariana Gómez Photo by Angélica Rodriguez

Looking back at our first presentation of “The Art of the Guitar in Mexico” at the William M. Lowman Hall in 2017, many will remember Mariana Gómez. She was one of the two guitarists, both natives of Paracho, Michoacán, who performed. The other, Juan Pablo Sixtos, continues his successful studies in conservatory in Morelia, Michoacán, but Gómez is suddenly everywhere!
Since her performance in Idyllwild, Gómez has performed in New York, Jaragua do Sul, Brasil; Mikulov, Czech Republic; Cusco and Lima, Peru; Kitchner, Montreal and Toronto, Canada. She has also performed in dozens of cities in Mexico, including Tijuana.
Gómez is now on tour in Mexico promoting the release of her CD “El Color de la Guitarra Mexicana.” Her promotional materials for the tour and CD mention Idyllwild right alongside New York City! We might like to think perhaps her performance here helped launch her recent success, and maybe it did boost her confidence.
Beyond Gómez’s talent, musicality and personal charm, she put together a team that includes a photographer, who has produced many pictures of her in spectacular settings. All this has been aided greatly by her friend Sergio Vallin, lead guitarist for the very successful Mexican rock group Maná, who has encouraged her. He has also helped Gómez make connections. Famed Paraguayan guitarist Berta Rojas has provided supporting remarks on her CD notes.
On Nov. 10, we will have another pair of talented and very entertaining guitarists performing at the William M. Lowman Hall. More about them later, but save the date and we’ll see you there at 2 p.m.