IAA Jazz Combo returns to the top at Berklee

The Idyllwild Arts Academy Jazz Combo returned to the top of the podium, taking first place in the 49th Berklee High School Jazz Festival,...

Talk on the Free Burma Rangers at Idyllwild Library

Carolyn Sherwood will be giving a talk at Idyllwild Library from 4 to 6 p.m. Feb. 6 about her trip to southeast...

A devil of a beer

Duvel is one of the benchmark beers of Belgium. Essentially, the beer spawned the style now known as Strong Belgian Golden Ale. Duvel’s appearance lends itself to a lager more so than it does a strong ale. The color is a pale gold and the beer has an exuberant amount of carbonation visible in the beer’s lofty head when first poured.

Idyllwild CinemaFest launches year four

The Idyllwild Cinema-Fest returns invigorated for its fourth year, with new features designed to seal its steady progress toward becoming a major U.S. showcase...

Organizers add to 19th annual jazz fest

Besides great jazz, Bubba Jackson, artistic consultant for the 2012 Jazz in the Pines Festival, promises a two-day immersion in a jazz seminar ...

Authors trade stories about growing up in El Monte

Michael Jaime-Becerra (right) was the featured author on Sunday afternoon at the INK Bookstore’s 2nd Annual Author Series. Becerra talked about his book of short stories, “Every Night Is Ladies’ Night” and his novel, “This Time Tomorrow.” Eduardo Santiago (left), who also grew up in El Monte, Calif., organizes the series and asks the first questions.

Forests elves invade Idyllwild cabins

Even in Iceland, locals confirm the existence of cherished bands of jovial forest elves. Delivery of meticulous service to all the realms they inhabit...

Talking trusts

On Thursday, Kay Wanner speaks to a full house at Silver Pines about setting up trusts and the large costs of probate. Wanner was part of the Idyllwild Community Center Speaker Series.

Idyllwild Arts president shares her vision

Pamela Jordan Photo by JP Crumrine Pamela Jordan has just completed her fifth year as president of the Idyllwild...