Your Member- supported Town Crier has an endless future

By Jack and Becky Clark, Co-publishers Our readers’ response has been overwhelming, and we still have a way to go. But after only 27 days of...

Good rainfall for September over weekend

Fire threats not diminished The dry summer was temporarily abated this weekend yet the rain here never approached the hurricane levels that drenched Texas and...

Dispose of those hazardous waste materials laying around your home

Free county pick up Sept. 30 The Household Hazardous Waste Disposal returns to Idyllwild from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 30. The location...

Idyllwild citizen scientists equipped to find flying squirrel

About 20 people volunteered to be “citizen scientists” in order to assess whether a flying squirrel population still exists in the San Jacinto Mountains. Brian...

Marijuana eradication on Thomas Mountain

Law enforcement officers were in Garner Valley today doing a marijuana eradication on Thomas Mountain. Photos by JP Crumrine

State Court rules Prop 218 has limited control of citizen initiatives

At the end of August, the California Supreme Court may have offered the Idyllwild Fire Protection District a solution to its recently failed tax...

Hiker dies in Humber, second severely injured

About 2 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 6, Cal Fire and Riverside County firefighters responded to reports of an injured hiker at Humber Park. After hiking to...

“Will in the Wood V” changes venue

Due to the possibility of inclement weather, the Stratford Players production, “Will in the Woods V,” will be presented at the Christian Science Church,...

County and school district facing employee negotiations

County union plans strike The Labor Day weekend passed with the usually community events and political speeches throughout the nation and in California. However, labor issues...

Incumbents easily win re-election to Pine Cove Water board

Pine Cove voters continue to express their satisfaction with incumbents on the water district’s board. All three — Board President Robert Hewitt, Lou Padula and...