Idyllwild News

Mountain Disaster Preparedness Community Emergency Response Team learn about patient assessment

Mountain Disaster Preparedness is a local nonprofit that has a number of working groups within it, including its CERT (Community Emergency Response Team.) This group undergoes training that includes many aspects of emergency response, including first aid. CERT’s regular meetings are the first Thursday of the month and are held in the meeting room of…

Riverside County Library System “working closely with” Emergency Management Department to keep Library power on during shutoffs

During the January Public Safety Power Shutoffs, many locals used public warming and charging centers for the first time. The Idyllwild Community Center made their Town Hall facilities available for Southern California Edison during the longest outage, and ICC operated Town Hall as a center on its own during later outages. The Idyllwild Public Library…

IWD Idyllwild Water District Board appoints Wendy Harsha to fill vacant seat

The Board of Directors of Idyllwild Water District held a special meeting on Friday, February 7, to consider applications for the open Board seat. The agenda named four candidates that had submitted letters of interest: Derrick Zimmerman, John Stamper, Jonathon Mills, and Wendy Harsha. All were present at the meeting. Board President Schelly explained that…

Hill water usage relatively constant in 2024 despite diminished rainfall

Rain and snow fell on the Hill last weekend and it was needed regardless of the inconveniences. This is the first significant precipitation since summer. Idyllwild and Pine Cove received between 4 and 5 inches of snow, according to the National Weather Service. Two years ago, more than 24 inches of rain and snow had…

Supervisors begin addressing immigration issues

At their Jan. 28, the Board of Supervisors had a major discussion about immigration and the role Riverside County can possibly assume in the future for both Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program participants and law-abiding undocumented immigrants. Board Chair V. Manuel Perez (4th District) and Supervisor Yxstian Gutierrez (5th District) submitted the proposal….

smARTS program delivers arts education to Idyllwild School

smARTS program delivers arts education to Idyllwild School

For over 20 years, smARTS has been delivering enriching arts education to students of the Idyllwild School. An all-volunteer, grant-funded program, they work with the school’s Parent Teacher Organization to bring professionals from many disciplines within the arts into the classroom. The program is a testament to what parents and others can accomplish locally with…

IFPD Chief LaMont discusses long range planning, his own eventual retirement, and succession

IFPD Chief LaMont discusses long range planning, his own eventual retirement, and succession

The January meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Idyllwild Fire Protection District included the election of officers, the promotions of five firefighters, and the first mention by Chief Mark LaMont of his plans for retirement and succession. At this first meeting of the year two commissioners, Henry Sawicki and Dennis Fogle, who were…

Idyllwild Forest Health Project founders to talk at Library

Food distribution volunteers and recipients share their stories The Idyllwild Forest Health Project was founded by Mark Yardas and Mara Schoner as a response to the threat that wildfire presents to our mountain communities. Its goal was to create a “circular economy around better fuels management and eco-system-based forest management.” The organization, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit,…

Wood stove care, feeding, and safety

Wood burning stoves are a popular option for heating Idyllwild homes. They provide an economical and sustainable option when understood and used properly, but they obligate users to a high level of responsibility. Kevin Holldber of Idyllwild Heating & Cooling shared some basic knowledge readers should have before firing one up. Holldber emphasized the sustainability…