Riverside County examining medical dispatch system

At their Tuesday, Aug. 16 meeting, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors agreed to hold an October workshop on the possibility of revising the...

Edison provides surge suppressors to county buildings

New power-conservation devices being installed on computers used in Riverside County government facilities are expected to net the county tens of thousands of dollars in annual savings, an official said Wednesday.

Tuesday deadline for registrar to receive mail-in ballot requests

Tuesday (Aug. 23) is the last day for the Registrar of Voters to receive voters’ mailed requests for vote-by-mail ballots for the Aug. 30...

California State Park hours to change

On Thursday, Aug. 11, the California State Parks announced service reductions due to the spring budget cuts. The budget reductions total $11 million this...

Fire fee may benefit Idyllwild

The State Board of Forestry has until Sept. 1 to adopt emergency regulations to implement Assembly Bill 29, which authorizes a $150 fire prevention...

Idyllwild’s political district boundaries set

Changes to th district boundaries for the California State Senate and Assembly, as well as Congress, were approved.

Riverside County fire officials discuss plans and funding

Local fire and public safety officials convened their quarterly Mountain Area Safety Taskforce (MAST) session last Wednesday, Aug. 10. Fortunately, no significant or major...

Riverside County purchases disaster trailers

At the Thursday, Aug. 11 Mountain Emergency Services Committee (MEMSCOMM) meeting, Office of Emergency Services Coordinator Gina Moran-McGough reported that the county had purchased...

In October, Mt. San Jacinto to close two days a week

The California State Parks just announced service reductions due to the spring budget cut. The budget reductions total $11 million this fiscal year (Juy...

Monday is deadline to register to vote by mail

Monday (Aug. 15) is the deadline for voters to register and be eligible to cast a ballot in the Aug. 30 mail-ballot election. ...